Put Diabetics in Remission in 12 Weeks!

Introducing Radical Action Against Diabetes & Obesity. Embark on a transformative journey with our meticulously crafted program, designed to reverse and even put your Type 2 diabetes into remission.

Our mission is to empower you to regain control of your health, and we promise a pronounced change within just 12 short weeks! Don't wait, seize this opportunity to reshape your life and combat your diabetes and obesity effectively. Start your journey towards transformation today.

Our Signature Diabetes Program

Diabetes Prevention

Yes! Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed with proven, achievable lifestyle changes that we teach even in people that are high risk. An once of prevention is always better than a pound of cure, unfortunately, diabetes has no know cure at this time.

Diabetes Reversal

Yes, in people who are newly diagnosed, with proper intervention and lifestyle changes, the condition can be reversed. Reversal means that they go back to A1C lower than 5.7% without diabetes medications and staying there for the rest of their lives with proper maintenance.

Diabetes Remission

A return of A1C to less than 6.5% after at least three months without usual diabetes medications. With “remission” a person with diabetes will need ongoing support to prevent are lapse, including lifestyle changes and regular monitoring if diagnosed over 15 years post diagnosis.

Weight Management

Find tools and strategies that will help healthy weight loss stick. Learn about meal planning, recipes, and simple fitness routines and exercises that produce results. We offer offers up-to-date, practical how-to information on nutrition, exercise, new drugs, medical advances,

Break Free From Shackles of Uncontrolled Diabetics

Say goodbye to the endless finger pricks and embrace a life free from the burdens of diabetes progression. It's time to take control of your health and embark on a journey of transformation.

Client testimonials

We pride ourselves on helping our community, friends and families embark on a journey of transmission.

"I struggled for years to control my blood sugar levels. Since joining the RAAD program, my life has taken an incredible turn. Through their techniques I have successfully achieved remission."

Susan Ejike

Member, Nnewi, Nigeria

"At 61, I had lost hope of ever putting my type 2 diabetes into remission. But this program transformed my health. Through personalized guidance, support, and radical lifestyle cha."

Frank Rodriduez

Member, Rialto, CA

"Thanks to the comprehensive approach of nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, and counseling, I've put my diabetes into remission. I feel healthier and more empowered than ever."

Phil I. Williams

Member, Phoenix, AZ

OUR Driving Force

Take Action today to stop diabetics progression

At Radical Action Against Diabetes and Obesity (RAADO), we're driven by the alarming gap in awareness about Type 2 diabetes, its complications, and other chronic diseases within our global community. The harrowing truth is that countless individuals grapple with debilitating illnesses, and many face premature deaths - outcomes that are largely preventable, manageable, or controllable.

Our meticulously designed program serves as a critical tool in preventing or delaying the onset of these conditions, enhancing health outcomes for those already grappling with such afflictions.

We have specifically chosen to focus our efforts on Type 2 diabetes due to its significant global impact on individuals' health and overall wellbeing. Its prevalence is staggering - over 95% of individuals diagnosed with diabetes are battling with Type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, our mission is to enlighten, equip, and empower people worldwide to combat this pervasive disease, and contribute towards healthier, happier lives.

Victory Over Diabetes

Put Your Diabetes in remission in 12 Weeks with Radical Action Against Diabetes (RAAD) – because a
healthier, life without diabetes complications is within your reach!

Coming Soon - Mobile and Web App.

Through our user-friendly app and website, RAAD members gain exclusive access to a team of licensed dietician and counselors. These experts are dedicated to assisting you in navigating the overwhelming choices available for diabetes management in today's market. Whether you have
questions about dietary options, want guidance on exercise routines, or need support in exploring.

Trained Councilors

Our expert councilors are empathetic, understands diabetes and deeply cares for your success with managing diabetes.

Easy to Use Tools

Our technology choices reflect our understanding for the need for easy to use design, so you don't spend your time learning the app.


We are here to help you navigate the discomforting world of diabetes. Here are some of the questions we commonly get from our members.

Who can join?

To enroll in Radical Action Against Diabetes, you must have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, and be eligible through your employer or health plan. To enroll in RAAD for Hypertension, you must have high blood pressure, and be eligible through your employer or health plan. Call us at f you have questions about eligibility.

What do I get?

When you enroll in RAAD for Diabetes, we pair you 1:1 with a health coach or therapist. Your health coach or therapist will create a personalized plan that will help you achieve your health goals. Expect regular video/phone consultations and daily motivation through messaging, education, as well as the ability to track vitals such as exercise, diet, sleep, and weight – all through the app!

How much does it cost?

Helps members with diabetes learn how to expertly monitor and improve their blood sugar levels and other symptoms with the help of certified coaches and in-app tools.

Will this help my blood pressure?

CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program (DPP).Helps members at risk for type 2 diabetes develop healthier habits they can sustain. Members tackle weight, calories, exercise, sleep, and stress.

What is a Health Coach?

Health Coaches are experts in behavior change who have backgrounds in health, nutrition, exercise, and motivational psychology. Health coaches partner with their clients to help them set and reach goals for satisfying and healthy lives. They support clients by connecting the client with internal motivators, identifying barriers to progress, holding clients accountable and assisting in the growth process of making changes to their lives.

Still have questions?

Let us know how we can further assist you or answer your questions.